DS Sees Power Sales in PSP Euro Void

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Topic started: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 13:37
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Joined 16 Mar 2005
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 13:37
I believe Nintendo predicted around 5 million DS units to be sold by today worldwide, yet they've blown that out of the water by selling 6 million. Great news for Nintendo and the future really does look bright for them.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 14:42
Due to the DS ability to attract more non gamers than a usual console this may have a hand in it's sales and I reckon this is just the start of things to come. Just wait until Nintendogs a.k.a Puppy Times hits the shelves. I reckon we could see another Tamagotchi like craze in the making with maybe more females making a purchase. If this does happen then I think Nintendo have this one in the bag, early days til PSP is out though. If PSP is unable to attract both male and female gamers it might be game over.

Why you say? Because like comics developers have always found it hard to sell games to the female market and so far the most successful to do so is The Sims. If you put a DS with Puppy Times and a PSP with MGS Acid in front of a female which do you think they'd play?
On top of this is the DS stylus, and since most people can use a pen/pencil they can get started on gaming with ease.

Perhaps DS might make the 7-8 million mark before PSP hits u.k/e.u, Sony will have some serious work to do.
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 15:22
I can see the DS becoming the craze toy you speak of, however not with Puppy Times. When the DS was first announced, it was thought that Pictochat would create a craze. As far as I can tell, it hasn't.

The Sims worked because it appealed to the voyeristic climbate set in most people by reality TV. To say the females have such radically different tastes is perhaps incorrect. The crazes and games that tend to tap into the female market are those that appeal to everyone.

This could be Nintendo's trumph card. If it can really create games that appeal to everyone, and create something that involves interaction in the school agre groups where crazes originate, creating the assosiated media hype then it could secure it's future. It's partially about getting your marketing right - something Nintendo rarely manage correctly. I mean DS adverts on at 11:00pm? What's that about? Surely they should be at 4:00pm-8:00pm?

Whether such a game will come along is debatable, and I personally don't think Puppy Times is it. We'll just have to wait and see.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 15:43
Nintendo better enjoy their little sales now. You know what sony always has shortages of their new consoles but in the end they end up on top. Come on the psp is out selling the ds in japan almost double. The same thing will happen here in the us then in europe. Nintendo is just delaying the inevitable.
Joined 10 Nov 2003
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 16:21
neocarrillo wrote:
Come on the psp is out selling the ds in japan almost double. The same thing will happen here in the us then in europe. Nintendo is just delaying the inevitable.

What are you talking about. PSP is selling aprox. 20.000 units more every week than DS (20.000:40.000 weekly ratio), but nintendo has sold already one milion DS units more in JAPAN than sony's PSP
and this is still "lanuch period" for PSP
...and on-line and real-time strategy games are not yet out for DS (popular real-time strategy games are out of question for PSP)
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 16:54
This is what i'm talking about.
***n00b weblink removed*** />

Joined 31 Dec 2004
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 17:15
neocarrillo wrote:
This is what i'm talking about.

he already knows that but what he was saying is psp has only just got past 1 million units in japan while ds is approching 2 million units sold in japan psp has alot of work to do still to catch up with ds overall in japan
Joined 27 Aug 2004
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 17:27
If the reaction I get from other people who have a go on my DS is anything to go by, Ninty will see a fair few more of these things fly off the shelves. I certainly hope so as my lonely little WiFi light keeps blinking and finding no-one to play with.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 17:32
True those digits maybe but that is japan, not the us that takes up a huge portion of the planet. ^ million is a lot of DS handhelds sold in such a short few months. If this was a home console sales might take a while to reach that much.

Speaking of RTS games and the DS I got this news cut from magicbox. If it's true I still don't get how EA are gonna manage it on the PSP without a DS version instead or along side?

CNN reported that EA / Westwood Studios will release a PSP version of the famous real-time strategy game Command & Conquer and C&C Red Alert later this year. The info came from a brief interview with the president of Electronic Arts.

Please dig for deeper info if you need to.

Again, don't take this as gospel but if true what are EA doing with such games on PSP? Technically it would be good but interface wise it would probably suck. Looks like EA love to push the DS envelope, focusing on the likes of Tiger Woods, The Urbz and NFSU2 when C&C would us the DS better than all of them games. Pretty poor considering they have had a year to sort out something decent.
Joined 10 Nov 2003
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 18:55

he already knows that but what he was saying is psp has only just got past 1 million units in japan while ds is approching 2 million units sold in japan psp has alot of work to do still to catch up with ds overall in japan


C&C apearing on PSP doesn't at all means that it will be playable.

sooner or later (but this year) strategy games which facilitate stylus usage appear and than PSP will be left for PS2 fans (not that there is a lot of them) without any new gaming posibilities.

i have ps2 (which is good console) with 32 inch TV and DPL II sound I don't need to damage my eyes for same games with inferior VIDEO/AUDIO experience

i'm excited about playing new type of games on DS
Joined 26 Jan 2005
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 21:21
i have ps2 (which is good console) with 32 inch TV and DPL II sound I don't need to damage my eyes for same games with inferior VIDEO/AUDIO experience

i'm excited about playing new type of games on DS

I must agree with this, dont get me wrong i like the psp. I think it is a super slick gaming device that is going to sell. But unless i could pick one up very cheap i doubt i will be investing in one.
The DS has got me excited, and i cant wait to see the software that will come out for it in the future, and believe me the software line up is going to get a lot stronger, especially with online gaming on its way. The touchscreen is a very useful idea, and i praise nintendo for trying something different, i wonder if the touchscreen does get anymore successful will sony follow suit? it wouldnt surprise me.
I have a ps2 and a gamecube and if i want to play cinematic games with great visuals i will stick to these, handheld games should be fun and simple.
These sales figures are justified.
Joined 12 Feb 2004
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 23:58
most pundits plumping for a late summer arrival. .

September 2005 is the latest date offered to retail
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Fri, 1 Apr 2005 01:09
It's easy from new and old gamers to see the promising potential that the DS can provide. I just hope that western developers especially (I know that the japanese will deliver but many in the west want a get rich quick fix like what Sony has been giving them for years now instead of innovating) are putting on their thinking caps as to how best use the DS features. Like I said elsewhere EA have already gotten off to a bad start and with the money they have their DS efforts so far are embarassing. (The Urbz and Tiger Woods, shame on you EA)

Yep, all the best games look to start coming out over the summer just in time to combat PSP in u.k/e.u so that's okay.

One great thing about both is being able to play cheaper imports without an crap. I intend to take full advantage of this and bag games for 20-25 quid instead of the silly 30-40 quid.
Joined 20 Dec 2004
Fri, 1 Apr 2005 02:15
I think getting the games out on time will be a big factor too. nintendo seem to be getting it right this time (finally) and keeping a steady(ish) stream of games coming while keeping the up the variety too.

I'm also not convinced that sony are as sure about what role they want the psp to serve as nintendo are with the ds. the ds games look like they use more of the machine's functions than the psp games do (as yet). maybe this is just down to lack of time for development but they have used the touchscreen, microphone and game sharing things pretty well in my view and I'm just not seeing that yet on the psp.

But I'm just hoping for a translation of another code!
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Fri, 1 Apr 2005 08:02
Joji wrote:

One great thing about both is being able to play cheaper imports without an crap. I intend to take full advantage of this and bag games for 20-25 quid instead of the silly 30-40 quid.

Only some games are cheaper on import. For example, in the US the GC releases of all the Resident Evil series are more expensive than in the UK and have stock shortages.

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