the fact that it probably won't be backwards compatible will probably piss off a lot of xbox gamers, one of the saving graces of the ps2 launch was that it was backwards compatible.
I like the idea of putting games on the hard drive you buy and storing you online info.
I'd be reluctant to invest because of the backwards compatibility though. It's always nice to know that you can have one less console under you tv and with Xbox being so big you'd want to replace it with a possible space saving Xbox360.
i detect a hint of sarcasm in the title of this article... the future of journalism perhaps?
so... a removable hard drive (thats not a standard pc component) and the ability to download games before they are availabel in stores (only half life 2, which came out less than 6 months ago, has done that even on a pc) seem to be the main points of interest in this article... so to imply a lack of inovation by generalizing it into "downloadable conten" is a bit of a cheap shot.
People took shots at xbox live when it came out... they only have two games, its not going to do well, no one has done well online with a concole, no one will want to pay for it...bla bla bla... well look how that turned out! PEople keep doubting M$, a foolish mistake... Sony is worried, and they shoudl be, the will of a crazy rich white man to become richer is much stronger than that of the japaneese... thats why they have their own crazy rich white guy running sony now... its the only way they can compete :P _________________
Dude, if you used PNG with alpha anti-aliasing for your avatar, it'd look SOOOO much better on a dark background (assuming you re-anti-alias it!)
i did it on my computer here at work... there fore... i did it in MS paint... so to para phrase... i aint PNGin s**t!
not that i wouldn't like to have it look better.. i was actually working on an animated version of it just yesterday... but i need to up loaded it before i can switch to it... __________
It's all pretty standard stuff though, Lupos. No surprises.
I love the new MSN Search adverts. They have to advertise to get their service know, when google has almost everyone using it on the Internet with no formal promotion. Also, the evil MSN bot caused a sudden surge in bandwidth usage for my site far and above that used by Googlebot.
It would be good if the HD comes with the console and you dont need to buy it, cause revealing this "advantages" and dont selling the console with the HD included would be like the time when Sony was selling their PSP sayng that you can run MP3 music and UMD movies, but dont tell you in the advertising that you have to spend $ 200 extra for the memory and the UMD format movies would be expensier than normal DVD movies.
X-Box360 without HD would be nothing but an improved graphic console. So the HD is needed to enjoy its real advantages. I mean , selling X-Box360 without HD would be naive.
Shame Nintendo can't do something like this. I'd love to buy a console again with a game or two built into the system like back in the day (Alex Kidd on SMS). Kind of tired of memory cards too.
Revolution with 12 SNES roms onboard from out of the box would be cool. If you want more than that you could go online and get more to download.
X-Box360 without HD would be nothing but an improved graphic console. So the HD is needed to enjoy its real advantages. I mean , selling X-Box360 without HD would be naive.
I read flash cards might be the answer to HD but what worries me is price tag for that hold and if true you'll probably need more than one. I don't know why Allard wouldn't hint on backward compatibility,it's essential...if i get myself an xbox360 i want a copy of Forza and Sudeki with it.
Am I the only one who doesnt give a s**t about backwards compatability? I mean.. seriously. I didnt buy a Gamecube to play N64 games.. and I'm not gonna buy an x-box 360 to play xbox games. Thats simply going to make the cost of the unit more expensive. I'm going to be busy playing all the new and exciting games that system has to offer, if you've got a bunch of x-box games you play all the time.. then obviously you already have an xbox, so who cares?
if you've got a bunch of x-box games you play all the time.. then obviously you already have an xbox, so who cares?
i am completely with you... its all sonys fault (yea who hasnt heard me say that before) but honestly... did you expect your genesis to play master system games... or your superNES to play regular NES games... besides the game boy no other system till the ps2 ever really did it... sure there was an adapter for the Genisis to make master system games work... but thats because it costs more and if thats what you wanted then then you had to pay extra for it instead of increaseing the price of the console for everyone else who doesnt care... now that sony does the damn backwards compatible thing and made it the only reason t buy a ps2 in the first 6 months to a year that it was out peopel think its important... i have every game system i ever owned still.... but they dont all have to be hooked up to the damn enetertainment center at once... keep the one that you play alot.. and for god sakes put the 2600 in a box untill you feel liek using it and then spend the whole 2 seconds it takes to hook it up... i personaly dont want to pay 50 bucks more so everyoen can play old games when that money coudl go twords makign the hard drive standard instead of an option!
its all marketing and , no offense, but any one who buys into it is a sucker... its like peopel who talk politics but then just reiterate talkign points they hard on fox news
"sir, how do you feel abotu gays marrying?"
"i think they shouldnt be aloud"
"cause it will ruin america"
"how so?"
"cause america is a christian nation"
... "do you need backward compatibility in a next gen system"
"of course all video games systems shoudl be backwards compatible or else the manufacurer is ripping you off, and taking up valuable shelf space, why would i buy a new system if it cant play old games..."
was any one pissed that their dvd player didnt play vhs tapes?! does your ipod play cd's?! how bout those psp's everyoen loves?! does that play playstation oen games even?! NO!!! its not freakin practicle and its completly unnecesary
in the words of the immortal Mr.T -"Thats ABSOLUDICROUS! ______________
Am I the only one who doesnt give a s**t about backwards compatability? I mean.. seriously. I didnt buy a Gamecube to play N64 games.. and I'm not gonna buy an x-box 360 to play xbox games. Thats simply going to make the cost of the unit more expensive. I'm going to be busy playing all the new and exciting games that system has to offer, if you've got a bunch of x-box games you play all the time.. then obviously you already have an xbox, so who cares?
You know its only just occured to me that I've only ever played one playstation 1 game on my ps2 (if you have to know Vib Ribbon). I really dont see the point apart from handhelds. Being able to play FFTA on my DS is very important to me :D
If i leave an xbox along xbox360 in the room i'll need a goddamn jetpack to keep movin' around. -------------- Now seriously, i know, it's bearable, but i think MS should pull it off to make everyone life easier.
i detect a hint of sarcasm in the title of this article... the future of journalism perhaps?
so... a removable hard drive (thats not a standard pc component) and the ability to download games before they are availabel in stores (only half life 2, which came out less than 6 months ago, has done that even on a pc) seem to be the main points of interest in this article... so to imply a lack of inovation by generalizing it into "downloadable conten" is a bit of a cheap shot.
People took shots at xbox live when it came out... they only have two games, its not going to do well, no one has done well online with a concole, no one will want to pay for it...bla bla bla... well look how that turned out! PEople keep doubting M$, a foolish mistake... Sony is worried, and they shoudl be, the will of a crazy rich white man to become richer is much stronger than that of the japaneese... thats why they have their own crazy rich white guy running sony now... its the only way they can compete :P _________________
F**k the rich white man. Gates may own the pc world but the console world is sony's. I don't know where you get sony's worried about xbox from. Your full of s**t about xbox live cause if it was a success the xbox would have much more console's sold than they do now. They are alive because of halo, you know and I know it. When halo 3 comes out xbox 360 will fall.