It's an awful name and I'm gutted. I think Nintendo's presence at E3 is going to be marred by stunned silence or howling laughter.
There's no possible way of saying the name without it sounding horrible, on paper it doesn't look so bad but I just can't even bring myself to say it.
Oh yeah - when i first heard the brand names "iPod, Google and Yahoo" I didnt think of PISS for God's sake. And since when is iPod a stupid name? And why do people keep bringing up yahoo? At least "Yahoo!" is a word, a real word that exists. And both Yahoo and Google are websites, they don't exactly sit in your living room, you don't go out and buy them in shops.... honestly.
Not only did I NOT think of piss when I heard the names "iPod" or "Google" or "Yahoo" (or "Gameboy" or "Xbox" or "Playstation" or "Dreamcast" for that matter), I also don't recall having to be told by the company involved how to pronounce the name.
The last time a company actually had to explain how to pronounce their products name was 3DO, and I expect the Wii to meet the same end.
Fanboys will continue to call it the Revolution, regardless of how Nintendo markets it. The casual gamer is simply not going to have a clue, will end up calling it the "W" without realizing the "ii" is pronouncable.
On the other hand... now i can have a t-shirt made which says "we are the knights that play Wii! Wii!" and wear it proudly because in the great dutch language Wii has absolutly no connations to anything bad but the very cheerful sound of "Whiiee" and the translation of "who".
Probably in the rest of Europe (minus the UK who seem not to get further then loisy potty humor, disgrace to your nation's high-quality humor i say) it will have no negative connotation at all.
Besides, mainstreamers will see the logo, the 2 i's and as a repsonse will not connect it with wee because wee doesn't have a i in it (human brain does work like that) only afterward after hearing it there's a chance of getting the wee-connection.
Besides, it is perfect timing to reveal the name, then at E3 when Iwata/Reggie drops the bomb prolly everyone will be going "Nintendo wii-ing over PS3 and X360 BIG TIME8!!!111111ONEONE!!!!!" or stuff.
It's pathetic that people are so up in arms over a name, and that so many have so much free time as to start petitions to try and get Nintendo to change the name. Maybe they are all just pissed that the name points out the size of their "controllers". How's that for a bad joke?
Everyone should be petitioning Keita Takahashi to give the Wii another chance. it's a shame that someone who is creating such innovative games is not willing to try something for what's probably the most innovative system so far.
I have a gift for Keita Takahashi. A new email address.
Hopefully he'll come around. Other than Miyamoto, Takashi and the Wii is probably the best possible combination.
As far as the name of the new Nintendo is concerned, WHO THE F@%K CARES WHAT IT'S CALLED!! Get a life! Get Laid! Get over yourselves! Call it the Nintendo S**tter. I don't care. I'll be too worried about having fun playing it.
What is wrong with you people...? Honestly does it matter what name they took the press... those who are hating would still find something to be pissed about. I for one watched the intro clip at Nintendo site, thought about it (They are definitely following Mac style and naming convention "IPOD" "NANO" for example both of which are very successful products. I am sure some did say the names for Apple portable player were stupid… once again look at the success and intuitive use) and it makes sense to me.
The bottom line is the games. It could have the best, must powerful name in the world but if the games aren't fun and immersive then who cares that name it has. Look at Xbox360 for example...I have friends and know other people that are taking back the 360 due to sub par games and hardware problems. Once again it’s the games and how you play them is really the important issue here and should be what we are looking forward to at E3.
Oh yeah - when i first heard the brand names "iPod, Google and Yahoo" I didnt think of PISS for God's sake. And since when is iPod a stupid name? And why do people keep bringing up yahoo? At least "Yahoo!" is a word, a real word that exists. And both Yahoo and Google are websites, they don't exactly sit in your living room, you don't go out and buy them in shops.... honestly.
iPod IS a stupid name. What the hell does that have to do with MP3s? In the context of the market it's placed in, it IS a stupid name, compared to, say, Creative Digital Audio Player (DAP) Jukebox. It's only now, when it's so popular, people don't pick it out as a stupid name. Same goes for "Xbox". When I first heard "iPod" I sure as hell didn't think I'd be listening to music on it. As for the latter part of that argument... *sigh* they're all brand names associated with digital media, hence why they're used. They're all names you wouldn't link to their function, too. THAT. IS. THE. POINT. And you MISSED it. COMPLETELY.
"But the Internet is not real life"
er… I'm afraid the internet is real life, and it is entirely relevant.
Get used to it. It's 2006.
No, it's not; the majority of people are not giving their opinion on the internet, and therefore it is NOT "real life". More people give their opinions OUTSIDE the internet, and indeed internet opinion is hardly held in any regard by any "real" source, like newspapers or broadcasters.
By considering the internet "real life", maybe you're saying something about yourself rather than the author.
I pity the fool who will not buy a Wii because of the name. Truly, i am sick of all the "fans" saying "Nintendo is doomed" for a stupid name. Whats wrong with you? Are you so scared going in a shop and asking for a Wii? Hey, i look forward for the day i get to the girl in the counter and say, "Pack my Wii please".
A name NEVER meant success or failure. And a name by itself is less than thin air. Right now, Wii may be just a pissing joke. But come E3, it will become the definition of a revolution.
I pity the fool who will not buy a Wii because of the name. Truly, i am sick of all the "fans" saying "Nintendo is doomed" for a stupid name. Whats wrong with you? Are you so scared going in a shop and asking for a Wii? Hey, i look forward for the day i get to the girl in the counter and say, "Pack my Wii please".
A name NEVER meant success or failure. And a name by itself is less than thin air. Right now, Wii may be just a pissing joke. But come E3, it will become the definition of a revolution.
What I've been saying all along. But I do think they should have exploited it even more and called it "s**t" or something.
I can't wait for all the pretentious, childish fools to shut up about it. Although, I'll tolerate it, because it's publicity for Nintendo, and it's bloody clever.
I am really bummed about the name. The day before the name was released I was ready to invest in some Nintendo stock. Not anymore... I love Nintendo and I will get a Wii as soon as it comes out, but how many people will stay away because of the name? Call pre-teens and teenagers imature for making potty jokes about the name, but the effect is that many will not buy this great system. In the end that means less support for Nintendo and fewer 3rd party games.
Unfortunatelly the one who commented about internet people.What he actually said is that internet people are not common people, they are geeks :) and they don't count :)
well tell this guy that internet is the house of what some market analysts call "opinion makers" and it's these who people from real life trust when it comes to games, game consoles, gaming trends and technical stuff.
Also tell him that he has a voice only because internet people read what he said, and real people don't even know who he is or what he thinks :)
Truth is people from "real life" will not read nintendo's explanation so the are not going to think all that thing about we the collective and so on.
Point is Wii or We is a lousy name not only for a console. but for almost any kind of product. Unless perhaps a car or a phone or maybe prophylactics. But even prophylactics have stronger names like Trojan or more meaningful like Again...
The Revolution is on what this machine can do anyway and not in the name and i bet you a dime that most salesmen and gamers will refer to it as Revolution or Rev anyway.
See the impact on 360 sales after this name change and judge for yourself.
What really bugs me is that people are always criticizing Nintendo for never taking chances by doing the same stuff always. Sticking with cartridges, being too "kiddie", etc. This is the first time I've seen Nintendo do something so bold and different. By taking a chance as big as this, Nintendo is making a stand. It might not be the best name, but Im sure that if Nintendo would have stuck with Revolution, people would have been like... meh... I for one embrace Wii and the Revolution it will bring. Wii will change everything.
Why does any1 care about what all these fan boyzzzzz think, let them moan all they want and lets just see what the REAL WORLD/NORMAL PEOPLE think about it with the old sales figuers when the damn machine comes out.
A brand name that is original and unique doesn't automatically become a good one, it's a horrible name. And I don't appreciate being called a 'fanboy' and I don't really care about anyone's opinions let alone those who post in forums on the internet, including my own rambings. At the end of the day Wii is an awful name for a peice of gaming hardware and I think it will have a huge negative impact at retail in all western territories. But we shall see, I hope I'm wrong because I love Nintendo games and Nintendo consoles - they're simply awesome
There's no possible way of saying the name without it sounding horrible, on paper it doesn't look so bad but I just can't even bring myself to say it.
Oh yeah - when i first heard the brand names "iPod, Google and Yahoo" I didnt think of PISS for God's sake. And since when is iPod a stupid name? And why do people keep bringing up yahoo? At least "Yahoo!" is a word, a real word that exists. And both Yahoo and Google are websites, they don't exactly sit in your living room, you don't go out and buy them in shops.... honestly.