Let's do the "find the Sony lies" game here...UK:R are really good at that! ^^ 6 million PS3's by March 2007...lie, if Nintendo is launching with the same forcast in all territorries why not Sony? Because they can't produce that many by then!
On a brighter note, they're not making the same mistake MS did with their Xbox360 so shortages will be lower...hopefully.
Stupid, stupid idiots. Sony can now chalk up two Christmasses lost to Xbox 360 and one to Wii. With all the other bad noises coming out of camp PS3, the future is looking very brown colored for Playstation.
Sony's going to have to do a *lot* of damage control to claw back market share in Europe, not to mention placating the hordes of Sony fanboys it has just stiffed with its big stupid corporate cock.
I bet the publishers working on Euro friendly games are *really* happy about this one....
I bet the publishers working on Euro friendly games are *really* happy about this one....
Now we know where 360's "exclusive" on PES and FIFA came from.
But seriously, has there ever been a console launch that has been as f**ked up as this one? Even the PSP's six month delay in Europe pales in comparison to "Spring 2006, no actually November 2006, no March 2007, for sure this time".
What we have to ask ourselves is "are there any feet left at Sony HQ?" because a lot of them have been shot recently.
There really is no positive spin you can put to this. I guess it keeps the rabid ps fans happy in the states and japan, I just wonder how europe as a whole is going to react to this. Are we going to see little timmy/pablo/jean getting an empty box come christmas with the promise of one come march? Dicking about your customers like this just fuels the impression that nothing sony says can be taken seriously.
it's gone very quiet for big news like this!.... or are the sony fan boys to busy checking out the line up for 360 & Wii this christmas!!!! hahaha, ohh come on, seriously how long does a dog have to be kicked before you turn on your owner!??? this just goes to show, sony are shipping the same amount of PS3 but none are coming to europe! they dont give a f**k!.... to busy chasing the dollar.
I rather have a good supplied launch then a broken undersupplied Ebay-scavanger hunt launch...so that's the only positive spin i could find...also, i don't want to be trown on the "s**tting Sony" bandwagon.
On another note the Herald (link http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2006/09/06/business/AS_FIN_COM_Japan_Sony_PlayStation.php...sorry, i don't know the codes to tidy this up) got some extra details about the US-Jap launch numbers.
Sony will be shipping 400 000 PS3 units for the US launch and 100 000 PS3 units for the Japan launch. Also their production for the end of the year has been halfed from 4 million to 2 million...how in christ are they going to get to 6 million by March 2007?
I very much doubt the 6mil number. I think Sony will have a lot less consoles in their hands come November, so comes the delay for Europe. I'll be "positevely" shocked if they succeed to ship more than 2 millions for the Holiday season.
Anyway, we Europeans get the "shaft" again. Not that i planned to buy the Ps3 on launch day but i hate that we are always forced to play the waiting game.
i actually pity sony! is there nothing they can say to big up the ps3? as far as im concerned, id rather see a global launch with shortages everywhere. that way they arent saying us/jap are better and to them its same amount of sales so who cares. going to be shortages whatever!
i really hope m$ and nin shaft sony and they lose loads of money. they really have this coming...
I wonder if someone can tell me this but isn't europe actually the biggest market for the PS2 and by quite a margin? Honestly it's like the bad old days of the N64 launch all over again.
On a brighter note, they're not making the same mistake MS did with their Xbox360 so shortages will be lower...hopefully.
Um... rather depends on your point of view, doesn't it... if you live in Europe, shortages will be really rather worse, with zero available...
I don't think MS's worldwide sim-ship was a mistake at all. I got a 360 on day one, and although I was one of the lucky ones, I can guarantee that I will not get a PS3 on day one because I'm in the wrong continent.
6 million PS3's by March 2007...lie, if Nintendo is launching with the same forcast in all territorries why not Sony? Because they can't produce that many by then!
On a brighter note, they're not making the same mistake MS did with their Xbox360 so shortages will be lower...hopefully.