Leading UK Retailer Refuses to Stock Bully

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Topic started: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 12:58
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Joined 13 Oct 2006
Tue, 17 Oct 2006 12:58
Does Curry's still exist?

Could've sworn my high street branch was now a trendy wine bar...
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Tue, 17 Oct 2006 13:58
Oh dear, do we really care though? Everyone is shopping online already to protest against their prices, even if they are okay for PS2 games.

I see a good comedy sketch here, turn up outside their branch with a boom box and some beat boys in tow, pumping out 'Don't Believe The Hype' full volume. Really piss them off.

I guess the JT propaganda had to work on someone. Lol.
Joined 17 Jul 2006
Tue, 17 Oct 2006 14:31
did curry's stock gta? if they did then this is even more ridiculous
Joined 28 Mar 2006
Tue, 17 Oct 2006 17:03
You'd have to be a fool to buy games from Currys/Dixons/whoever they are anyway. Overpriced new games, ancient stock for £40+ that can be picked up for less than £10 if you shop around wisely, and the staff in general are clueless imbeciles. This news shows that their incompetence goes all the way up to the head honchos.

They're shooting themselves in the foot to appease the knee-jerk reacting imbeciles that swallow whole the crap that the likes of the Daily Mail spout. Well, let's all buy "Canis Canem Edit" from our favourite venue, send it to number one, make Rockstar millions, and leave Currys kicking themselves for being such silly billies.
Joined 11 Dec 2005
Tue, 17 Oct 2006 21:16
i recently read a review for the game that says its blood free, encourages you to go to classes, and punisheses you for fighting. so whats the f**king deal with so many companies and stores not likeing the game?
Joined 22 Dec 2004
Wed, 18 Oct 2006 00:41
Yes Currys does stock GTA:Libery City Stories. The site is down but you can buy it. Very family friendly indeed.
Joined 17 Jul 2006
Wed, 18 Oct 2006 01:44
gangland killings good, protecting yourself from bullies bad
Joined 12 May 2006
Wed, 18 Oct 2006 12:02
This is absolutely ridiculous. I think this has gotten way out of hand. How many times have we been told? This game does not encourage violence, or tricks or swear words. God, how can so many people beleive that this game is related to the son of satan when the only person that has actually played the game, not one of the programmers anyway, is that judge.

If someone was to plant a camera on me when i was at school, i'd bet people would have a field day with that too.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Thu, 19 Oct 2006 15:07
so...is it Canis Canem Edit over there or did they revert back to Bully? Cuz everything I see over here is Bully, and WE have Jerkass T**tson over here...
Joined 2 Aug 2002
Thu, 19 Oct 2006 15:27
PreciousRoi wrote:
so...is it Canis Canem Edit over there or did they revert back to Bully? Cuz everything I see over here is Bully, and WE have Jerkass T**tson over here...

Still Canis over here. As for dear Jack, the world would not be the same, diverse wonderment without a level of self-seeking, Scopes Monkey Trail-esque nonsense. I mean, if we all agreed on everything, what possible use would there be for beer?
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Thu, 19 Oct 2006 16:34
making ugly people sechsy, what God intended it for...
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 19 Oct 2006 16:39
PreciousRoi wrote:
so...is it Canis Canem Edit over there or did they revert back to Bully? Cuz everything I see over here is Bully, and WE have Jerkass T**tson over here...

I'm a little confused by your "here"s and "there"s but in the UK it is Canis Canem Edit. There is a longstanding tradition of Latin being taught in UK public schools (that's what we call private schools for the rich and privileged - don't ask!!!), and there is also a longstanding tradition of these establishments having Latin mottos. From what I've seen the US has none of these traditions, so they proibably consider the Latin name would be poorly received.

I'm far from convinced that it was a good idea for the UK. Though Bully, of course, just started alarms bells ringing in all the wrong places...

Joined 17 Jul 2006
Thu, 19 Oct 2006 17:09
i think they could as easily gone with 'School' or 'Bullworth Academy' or something

i think the latin name is crap, and as dee said the name bully is inflammatory
Joined 2 Aug 2002
Thu, 19 Oct 2006 17:19
RiseFromYourGrave wrote:
i think they could as easily gone with 'School' or 'Bullworth Academy' or something

i think the latin name is crap, and as dee said the name bully is inflammatory

Should have called it 'Skool' (as any fule kno)... My gods, think of the uproar that would have occured if they'd actually set the game in a British 'Public' School - the things that go on in there... as my nanny, Derek, would often tell me over a hot cane.

As for Latin, America does it too... Semper Fidelis leaps to mind...
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Fri, 20 Oct 2006 06:50
meh, thought it were obvious from context...

And I think it was more not seeing the need to change it over here. The sort of private boarding school (public school in Britain, I know) hijinx depicted in the game is viewed as quaint and humorous, as those sorts of schools are far less ingrained into the culture, and do not that the history in the States as they do in merry old England. Change the setting to a suburban US public school, add a bit of grit and you'd have had a near universally maligned "Columbine Simulator" not even a fancy erudite Latin name change would have fixed...I think a certain attorney in Florida's might have become positively hydrophobic. I suppose in Britain the obverse is true...a simulation of a more American-style school would be less threatening than one which appears to mirror their own. I think the name Canis Canem (someone said there might be a better word than Edit, I liked that one, but dun remember what it was...stupid American public skool edumacashun) would have been fine for the American market, had it been the original name...but there were already a sizeable number of people anxiously awaiting the release of "Bully", so why confuse the issue if you don't have to, might have killed some of the buzz, as well as possibly being seen as a de facto admission of guilt. "See, if there wasn't anything wrong with the game, why'd they have to change the name?"

Personally, even though I think its a shame that R* was more or less forced into changing the name of their product, perhaps it was ill-chosen from the beginning, and I actually prefer Canis Canem Edit (and like the more correcter version even better), it fits the political aspect (and private school setting) of the game better than Bully.
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