Obama to Blame for Resident Evil 5 Racism Row?

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Topic started: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 12:54
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Joined 15 Aug 2006
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 12:54
Firstly black people are soo quick to use racial hate towards them as slaves but fail to realise that it was their OWN PEOPLE that sold them as slaves in the first place! The only people black people should hate is their OWN PEOPLE!!!

Secondly Res Evil games have been showing that the T Virus is spreading across the globe, in the first few games white people were being killed no problem, then Spanish people no problem then wait suddenly black people are being killed in a game and everyone goes mad!

I do however want to point out that if you look in the demo there are white people as well as black people that you have to shoot.

Is Africa immune to a virus? No, everyone is at danger, who knows in the next game it could be in India then Japan after that who knows.
Who is this fool?
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 13:50
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
Firstly black people are soo quick to use racial hate towards them as slaves but fail to realise that it was their OWN PEOPLE that sold them as slaves in the first place! The only people black people should hate is their OWN PEOPLE!!!

F**k off you pasty-faced idiot! If it wasn't for the europeans and americans buying africans then they wouldn't have been sold in the first place you fool.
Joined 10 May 2003
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 13:55
The racism argument was there well before Obama got elected so the argument is invalid.

The whole racism thing is understandable though, when Africa currently has an Aids epidemic, and is still suffering from war, corruption and poverty, and was largely left in this state because of brutal European colonialism, occupation, genocide, and any other big nasty words you wanna throw in there. No likelyhood of any kind of reparations happening either, while the Europeans moan about immigration....

Obviously I don't think it was Capcom's intention, but I think maybe in Japan the connotations of the imagery may not have been immediately obvious to them.

The black people should hate black people for slavery argument is absurd. Though you do find a little 'racism' sometimes between those who are Afro-Caribbean and people from African. Dunno why that is.

Thu, 12 Mar 2009 13:57
SuperSaiyan4 is 100% correct. I am african-american and our own people are the one to blame.

black vs black instead of being united.
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 14:00
Your first point is rubbish! perhaps misguided or what ever. But i dont see many black people kicking up a fuss about the portrayal of black zombies in Africa ( i suspect the PC brigade). Also i dont like what your implying about the slave trade again misguided perhaps! Theres no denying that the only people that profited from the slave trade was the white man! But that is history no one can take it back nor should people still be made to feel quilty about what our ancestors did. Fact is we are stronger and better having come through it.

But i totally agree with the majority of your statement! Africa is a black nation! And the vast majority of the population is BLACK!(shock i know) And rightly so in the world or Res evil there is no escape from the T-virus regardless of race/gender or religon! there fore it would be totally ridiculous and unaceptable for them to try and alter the apperance (ethnic origin) of the Zombies due to pressure from the idiots from the PC brigade. In fact i would actually find that offensive!

The fact is the Res-Evil series is one of the all time greats when it comes to gaming franchise's and Res-5 is no exception. Dont change a thing! and for gods sake lets just all enjoy it! I know i will.
Dave T
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 14:02
The first comment sums up my opinion, mainly white people - no problem, mainly hispanics - no issue, black folk - outrage. At this rate we'll soon see 'The boy who cried wolf' effect in action and when some one does something ratially motivated then no-one would care and all because of the media.

There does seem to be something similar in effect with the Israeli - Palestine situation and now when someone shouts anti-semite they get met with hostility and rightfully so as that card has been played too many times. (as a side effect we've learned that Jewish people aren't the only race to be semitic, so I am just using the term as is popular in modern culture)
Joined 6 Dec 2006
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 14:10
sorry to be pedantic. but africa is a continent. not a nation.
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 14:20
mrAnthony wrote:
sorry to be pedantic. but africa is a continent. not a nation.

Sorry i was hoping no one would notice! lol
Joined 6 Dec 2006
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 14:23

Thu, 12 Mar 2009 15:07
I can see why people get offended when they see black zombies. Maybe they should've made the heroes black, as well. Kind of like L4D, where they were immune to the virus and have to survive. Why do they have to be white people flown in from America? I haven't played the whole game yet, but I would be less concerned about the racial statement this game is unwillingly making if at some point you're joined by some African who hasn't contracted the virus and he helps you out (e.g. by killing zombies). All I know is Capcom definitely needs some new faces around their American office if this 'racism in games' thing came as a surprise. I mean, it is essentially a game where you exterminate black people, no matter how you look at it (or what the reason is).
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 15:32
How rediculous!! this is (not including all the spin off games) the 5th game in the series yet the first to have black people as zombies (baddies). I cant imagine any white people have complained about the fact that the first four games consists primarily of white zombies! i
if i were to play a game set in a country populated primarily by black, white, asian etc i would expect the characters to be of that race which is what Capcom has done! it would be racist to have the zombies as white in a black country! I personally think this argument is people arguing for the sake of arguing! I am not a racist person and if i though for one second this game or any other was being racist there is no way i would buy it but this game is definatly not racist! if anything it is accepting the fact that not all video game players are white and bringing diffrnt races into the games!
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 15:35
There in Africa... what colour do you want them to be! Why is it racist to shoot a black zombie in a game and not white ones!!!!
Dangerous Man
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 15:50
This is just ridiculously stupid ....

I've written and deleted this so many times trying to express my disbelief in this whole 'racism' thing. Now I just can't be bothered.

It's not racist, it's a zombie game set in Africa. Get over it. Geeze ......
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:01
Wake up....... It's a zombie game set in Africa!!!
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:03
That professor hasn`t played 50 cent Blood in The Sand, has she?
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