When it comes to the replay, the resource required for calculating geometric positioning is now freed; thus giving the CPU the resource to render more fancy effects.
Er, I think.
correct you are, however the cpu does not handle much of the actual rendering process, it mainyl deals with calculating positions and physics and ai liek you said, so the actual visual quality is not determined by the cpu strength, the bottle neck exists at the gpu (which is generaly do way more calculations than a cpu oddly enough). So while the cpu may be free to do other things it really cant aid in the graphics on the screen that much (it can just feed the information to the gpu faster)... especialy since all those fancy effects, multiple textures for specularity and normal and bump mapping, z-buffer to create a focus effect for depth, real time lighting, are all handled by the gpu with shaders (at least on the xbox and GC, i dont know how such things are acomplished on a ps2 as i think it has no built in shader suport, so that might actualy be handled by the cpu, but then it is more of a post render effect so i dont know for sure). __________
correct you are, however the cpu does not handle much of the actual rendering process, it mainyl deals with calculating positions and physics and ai liek you said, so the actual visual quality is not determined by the cpu strength, the bottle neck exists at the gpu (which is generaly do way more calculations than a cpu oddly enough).
When stating CPU I was sort of referring to number crunching in general. But overall I think this deserves a harmonious YAY!
am I the only one NOT impressed with these screen shots in the least bit... I think they look horrible, especialy the first shot that was released that featured a close up of a face.. you can clearly see the low polygon render of a nose thats also poorly textured, I think ESPN NFL 2005 on the current x-box looks substantialy better, and its already out.. although I will reseave judgement until more detailed screen shots are revealed. I didnt notice any bump mapping or normal mapping, the textures looked PS2 quality, and the low polygon models look severly outdate.. this is next generation we're talking about.. i shouldnt be able to tell the diffrence between a screenshot of an actual football game and a screen shot from a video game. These players should be sporting a polygon count of 30,000 a peice
You know something, this is stupid but I really couldn't care less about EA and their lovely looking sports title
So it looks good, yada yada yada. But where the hell is the originality to justify my spend money on this game. Frankly I'd rather look at pic of Nintendogs because despite the N64 visuals at least it's doing something different. To know from pics that you are gonna get something different means a lot (even though sometimes you want something familiar). Familiarity can breed contempt if you don't be careful.
We really have to stop worshipping at the alter of graphics unless there is some substance behind them. So far we don't know how this game will play, it could be total wank or perhaps not.
EA are on a pre E3 blitz (first NFS shots, then Burnout 4 and now this) and frankly until the show me something like remotely interesting and original I not gonna cheer for them. So far they are just doing what EA do best pushing moldy cheese and slowly cutting the links in the chains that hold this industry up.
Perhaps the whole industry deserves to die because we have all become bottom bitches for rich Armani suited w****rs who only care about dollar digits. Only that way will the powers that be and we really learn.
Grow some balls EA, and stop hiding like a f**king girl behind sports games.
Perhaps the whole industry deserves to die because we have all become bottom bitches for rich Armani suited w****rs who only care about dollar digits. Only that way will the powers that be and we really learn.
woa... i hought i was the resident loose handle around here! ;P
i personaly agree with everythign you said, and trust me, i have not stopped hating EA just cause they dribbled out some semi juicy looking screens, im just intrested to know what is next, and i ll take it where i can get it... for example... my vcr is already programmed to record mtv on may12... i havent taped anythign from mtv since the MAXX was on in like 96.
i wont be buyign any EA games at launch, although burn out will be a tough one to pass up, im hoping there is enough original IP and big name sequels to keep me saciated(sp?).
anyway, you need to take a deap breath, count to ten, and relax a bit... the truth is... we are all bottom bitches... to everything... unless you dress only in salvation army military surplus, live in a house you built yourselfon land you inherited and only listen to underground music and watch indie movies for entertainment... your somebodies bitch... you pay more moeny than you shoudl for everythign in life... and 95 percent of the time it goes to people who you wouldnt like if you met them... and who certainly dont like or care for or about you.
Im all for the "viva revolution!" bit, but man was that kind of out of left feild... where do you live, i have a lovely little green plant i would like to send you, its very soothing :P _____________
I don't see the fuss. The graphics don't look that good to me. The snow is unrealistic. It won't improve the game. Mind you, this is from the person who thinks Halo has awful graphics and diabolical, unoriginal gameplay.
When we start seeing consoles that can replicate reality we will see games in a different light. This game just shows a logical graphical progression.
I bought UT2004 at the end of last year, and was shocked at how little the graphics in PC videogames have improved since the original. There's nothing reviolutionary about those graphics - except for that they need a spec about 25x better than the original. Everything still feels artificial, and I just don't understand where the clock cycles have gone.
Graphics are important, however they are a component. And a component of decreasing importance. We expect excellent graphics as standard, and no longer buy a game based on that aspect. Consoles from this gen onwards will be just like the mature 16 bit market.
I don't see the fuss. The graphics don't look that good to me. The snow is unrealistic. It won't improve the game. Mind you, this is from the person who thinks Halo has awful graphics and diabolical, unoriginal gameplay.
I couldn't agree more. I don't think they're that great at all. To me, improvements in graphics should mean a little more than just better textures and a higher poly count. Surely having all this new available power can present something more interesting?
at first i wasnt that awe struck but after gettign boared witht he lack of news today i took a closer look at said images and i have to say there are some pretty impressive things going on...
1)real time reflections ont he helmets: its not small feet rendering the entire staidum and multiple players differently for each helmet ont he field... now im nto positive they are real time as an area map for each stadium could do a pretty good job fakeing it but im pretty sure they are.
2) the face mask and helmet: maybe the nose coudl have used a few more polys to round out the edges, but the face shield itself and the helmet are both astonishingly curvy... the number of polys on the face mask alone must be in the thousands.
3)real time lighting: the helmet is castign a light ont he guys face, his nose is shadowing his cheak, his mask is showdwing itself.. everything is being realistically lit and shodowed.
now i know your saying, meh it dont look so great, but this is also first rouns tuff... remember what the early next gen stuff was liek last time...
and of course what it looks liek now that it has had some time to develope
so yea, its a pretty good step above what is out now, and its only first round stuff... plus, this is EA after all, these guys dont break there balls to look the best, that takes to long and costs to much, their moto aught to be "just good enough!".
But the images still don't look that great. Okay, so they game isn't fully-developed yet, but look at the lack of anti-alising on the people. The polygon count on the helmet isn't even large enough for a smooth effect.
We're not seeing amazing graphical jumps this generation. As I expressed above, we're seeing a situation where excellent graphics are standard. People expect them in the same way that we expect a letter to be delivered on time for a standard charge. The few times games don't have good graphics they'll flop, but it will be impossible to sell of graphics alone.
The few times games don't have good graphics they'll flop, but it will be impossible to sell of graphics alone.
impossible to seel a game based on graphics alone cause they will all look good... that sounds liek the best news i have heard in a long time... its like back in the days of the nes, nothing on nes looked really astounding (except mario3 of course) so the games that sold well where all really really good!
its a second renesancenerhecrse(i cant spell)! ______
its like back in the days of the nes, nothing on nes looked really astounding (except mario3 of course) so the games that sold well where all really really good!
its a second renesancenerhecrse(i cant spell)! ______
Yeah, I compared it to the "mature 16 bit market" above, but the NES is a better example.
Er, I think.
correct you are, however the cpu does not handle much of the actual rendering process, it mainyl deals with calculating positions and physics and ai liek you said, so the actual visual quality is not determined by the cpu strength, the bottle neck exists at the gpu (which is generaly do way more calculations than a cpu oddly enough). So while the cpu may be free to do other things it really cant aid in the graphics on the screen that much (it can just feed the information to the gpu faster)... especialy since all those fancy effects, multiple textures for specularity and normal and bump mapping, z-buffer to create a focus effect for depth, real time lighting, are all handled by the gpu with shaders (at least on the xbox and GC, i dont know how such things are acomplished on a ps2 as i think it has no built in shader suport, so that might actualy be handled by the cpu, but then it is more of a post render effect so i dont know for sure).