I think a media extension for DS and GBA would be pretty much mandatory, and no, the Play-Yan won't cut it, unless they improve it so it also makes full use of the DS.
I would expect the Play-Yan to be released outside Japan as just an accessory. People don't need to be forced into spending 30 quid more for a DS just to watch some movies or music; I think that since it's not on the standard console, it should be just an accessory and not a reason to ditch your new handheld.
As for the GBA, I think it's time Nintendo realise it's dead already. Even conservative developers prefer the DS because they can just consider it a GBA on steroids. A new remake of the GBA would be a huge mistake. Of the DS, too soon.
I don't think you're liars (I wouldn't be a regular if I did!)
I didn't mean to imply that *you* did, and we appreciate your regularity ;-)
but I do think that your previous articles were phrased in such a way that it made it sound that a PSP-style GB was a near certainty.
That is, I think, the impression that Stef had. And certainly, it would seem to be the only logical approach. But given that we cannot find ANY evidence of dev kits in circulation, we no longer think that that is a possibility, not for a Xmas 2005 launch... which leaves two options, a portable GameCube (since the gamecube disc is small enough to use in a handheld) - which bring problems replicating the GameCube's controller on a small form factor, or a Game Boy Advance SP SP...
We know there's something, but Nintendo are remaining tight lipped as to exactly what.
We're looking forward to E3 as much as anyone else.
That is, I think, the impression that Stef had. And certainly, it would seem to be the only logical approach. But given that we cannot find ANY evidence of dev kits in circulation, we no longer think that that is a possibility, not for a Xmas 2005 launch...
Could be aiming for a 2006 launch... I don't know if it would be so unreal if Nintendo developed tech demos for E3 and then distrubuted dev kits afterwards.
Or it could be the portable Gamecube with slight alterations - three less shoulder buttons. No new kits required. I'm hoping for this one.
I think that releasing another SP would be totally pointless. As your article says, I don't see a large number of improvements that can be made. Plus people are still buying SPs by the bucketload!
Could it be another Gameboy accessory? Something like a GBA Player 2? Or is it def an actual console?
I think people forget to realize that the DS is capable of handling GBA games. They aren't that stupid to waste R&D on a souped up GBA when DS is practically a souped up souped up GBA. Why would it sell if the DS is not only more powerful, but can handle GBA games as well? For all we know DS could in theory be an intermediary between the GB of old and the GB of new, possibly the only way to preserve GBA and its library is through DS. Companies plan these projects in advance. Do you think that suddenly one day R&D discovered something interesting so they incorporate it into an addon system, or a souped up system? Companies leave flaws in products so they can milk them for all they're worth. If they decide to release another GBA, there would be no point for anyone to buy it. Its like buying a "PS1" when you could buy a PS2.
But I'll abstain from speculating from what it actually is because in all honesty, it could be another virtual boy for all I know :P
Companies leave flaws in products so they can milk them for all they're worth.
I $ee Mr. MONEYbag$ doe$n't $ee, in any re$pect, how MONEY fit$ into the R and D equation.*
Yeah way back when in the beginning of videogames, Colecovision was going to be superbadass, but the company sat down at a board meeting one day and the lead designer said, "F**k it Jim, our system doesn't need to be superbadass (say the equivalent of the NES x2) to win, oh and also, all those doritos that fell into the processing boards, don't worry about cleaning that up either. We need to leave SOME flaws in the system, so that we can bilk these shmucks (customers) in four more years with the Colecovision 512K Ultramega System!**
*Dollar signs added posthumsly for effect. I do not have special keyboard with fancy lights that makes piggy noises when I press down on the keys, and it doesn't make dollar signs everytime I press the..., oh wait a minute it does! Hot dog!!!
**Actual boardroom meeting may not be 100% factual.
I'm happy the DS does such 2D and 3D beacuse the simplicity of 2D games is what keep things interesting and many playing.
The stance for more realistic graphics is an easy grail to quest for (it wasn't to start but has gotten easier over the years). 2D gaming takes a bit more imagination to keep the player glued.
When I see the likes of Gunstar Super Heroes on the way to the GBA (even with the DS out too) it makes me happy that the likes of Treasure can provide us with something to fill my DSs GBA slot. Even on PS2 the stance to many is if it's not 3D it's not worth your time. I was sorry to hear of Sony swaying to more 3D games instead of welcomeing both a while back. It has taken Nintendo to realise that many aren't playing as games become more 3D and complex.
Pehrhaps this is where the DS success is, in it's simple but effective fun gaming as apposed to the me too identikit games flooding the current market wanting to put a cap in yo ass and take your money etc. DS is slapping developers round the face to see how well they can do. And due to the DS options on offer some real imagination will stop them for once doing lazy ports and other stuff we have seen before (in other words we will be able to see the original games and those using the features on offer effectively more clearly). Then we shall see who is for real.
GBA2 option I'd like to see (possibly for the DS too) download and play demos and SNES roms for a price (we all know how small the files are Nintendo). Fingers crossed for E3.
I would expect the Play-Yan to be released outside Japan as just an accessory. People don't need to be forced into spending 30 quid more for a DS just to watch some movies or music; I think that since it's not on the standard console, it should be just an accessory and not a reason to ditch your new handheld.
As for the GBA, I think it's time Nintendo realise it's dead already. Even conservative developers prefer the DS because they can just consider it a GBA on steroids. A new remake of the GBA would be a huge mistake. Of the DS, too soon.