Topic started: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 16:13
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Joined 2 Jun 2005
Sat, 29 Apr 2006 11:32
batista wrote:
This is the first time I've seen Nintendo do something so bold and different. By taking a chance as big as this, Nintendo is making a stand. .... I for one embrace Wii and the Revolution it will bring. Wii will change everything.

Forgetting about the controllers and the stupid name for a moment, how do you know it will bring a revolution to gaming without having seen or played on any of these revolutionary games? I imagine it'll just create a new niche in the market, to create a revolution all developers would have to jump ship to (the?) Wii which we know isn't going to happen - don't forget that this is business not some romantic fairytale, it's all about cash.
Joined 8 Nov 2005
Sat, 29 Apr 2006 13:50
Oh Silence fanboy, be gone "POOF of smoke"
Joined 2 Jun 2005
Sat, 29 Apr 2006 14:48
Well done, hilarious.
Joined 8 Nov 2005
Sat, 29 Apr 2006 15:21
Why thank you very much
Joined 9 Nov 2005
Sat, 29 Apr 2006 15:25
I've been thinking about it, and almost every word associated with "gaming" is a stupid word, let alone the word "gaming" itself. (Game is a noun, FFS!)

So I'm going to try to make a list of other "gaming" words that are also stupid:

Gaming (as a verb)
Super [insert word here]
[Insert word here*] 64
Mega Drive
Master [insert word here]
[Insert word here] Cube
[Insert word here**] 360
Hi (as an abbreviation of "high")
[Insert word here***] Pad
Virtual [insert word here]
[Insert word here] Boy
[Insert word here] Stick
[Any name of a planet/Roman god]
[Insert word here] Up]
Power [insert word here]
[Insert word here] Gear
Next Generation/Gen******

*That isn't the 64th interation of something
**That isn't related to degrees, or isn't the 360th iteration
***That isn't something padded
****When used for describing levels in linear progression
*****Should only be used for describing edible potato products
******There's always going to be a next one

Yes, that means that I like the names Dreamcast, 3D0 and Neo Geo. Anyway, there must be plenty more, but I got bored.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Sat, 29 Apr 2006 20:27
"No, it's not; the majority of people are not giving their opinion on the internet, and therefore it is NOT "real life". More people give their opinions OUTSIDE the internet, and indeed internet opinion is hardly held in any regard by any "real" source, like newspapers or broadcasters.

By considering the internet "real life", maybe you're saying something about yourself rather than the author.

This is crap and you know it. The internet is not just used by fanboys on insular fan boy web sites. Real people with real lives rely on internet news and opinion to the tune of some real money.

Your "real" newspapers and broadcasters also spend millions (yes £millions) on a significant web presence. Look at the "BBC" or "The Guardian" for examples. Both sources will report the re-nameing of Wii.

Opinion starts from the ground up, and that includes the internet (in a big way for the last few years). That very much includes other "sub-cultures" within the internet.

"By considering the internet "real life", maybe you're saying something about yourself rather than the author.

If you are trying to say that because I consider the internet a worthy player in world media I am somehow a deluded geek, you could not be more mistaken …perhaps though it is somewhat sad that you don't consider your own opinion "real".
Joined 24 Jan 2006
Sat, 29 Apr 2006 21:16
great name for a console


i bet sony and micrsoft are wiing themselves
Joined 29 Apr 2006
Sat, 29 Apr 2006 23:07
Wii is just a name... Revolution was the real deal!

It's sad that they changed the name.
Joined 24 Apr 2004
Sun, 30 Apr 2006 00:08
I'm surprised how quickly I got tired of wee jokes.
majin dboy
Joined 27 May 2005
Sun, 30 Apr 2006 12:19
well,my first post regarding wii.

i thot id leave it this long to gain a proper opinion,and not act from a knee jerk reaction. firstly wen i saw it i thot nintendo had made a huge mistake, and a lot of me still thinks they have.

but there are factors which make me think every thing will be okay.

i) its only a name,if it had been called the nintendo jizz bomb,it would still posess the same potential, functionality ways anyway.

ii) thers somepart of me that thinks Nintendo have made the best decision of marketing history, give of take a few,cough. i can just see a lot of people talking about this and remember kids, any publicity is good publicty. Cast your minds back to GDC 05,wen the revmote(can we still call it this or do we have to sound like jonathan ross prounceing remote???? wiimote)was unveiled,remember the shock?the horror?the fear? the sorrow?(completed MGS3 last nite for first time)i think nintendo will shock us again and again the internet will be ablaze.

iii)its nintendo for f**k sake.

I think when people get over the shock and nintendo continues to gain momentum with various announcements,wii will gain back any of those week fanboys who dissed it just because of its name change. Yes, REVOLUTION is a strong name for a console but Wii is the revolution.
Joined 2 Jun 2005
Sun, 30 Apr 2006 14:46
I hope you're right, dude. I would hate to see a console go down in flames just because of a silly name. Can I ask one thing tho? How does me disliking the name Wii make me a fanboy?
Joined 24 Apr 2004
Sun, 30 Apr 2006 15:15
I once read somewhere about products with funny names, that bombed abroad due to lack of cultural sensitivity. Apparently there was a car by Ford called Nova, which in one territory's language sounded like their words for "No Go", and sales were really poor, as people joked about it, and didn't think it would start.

Oh, wait a minute, a quick Google search contests that rumour: I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Joined 8 Apr 2005
Sun, 30 Apr 2006 18:03
Regardless if the name is good or bad, this is pure marketing genius on the part of Nintendo. I don't agree with the name, but what does that matter really? The fact is everyone posting right now is a fan of Wii. How did I come to this conclusion you ask? Simple. Nintendo released the final name for the console mere weeks before E3. How many gamers are thinking of "Playstation 3" right now, or even "Xbox 360?" Those names are extraordinarily "ho-hum" by nature. They are just the next iteration of something we can expect.

But now all eyes are on Nintendo. Who gives a sh*t about what Sony or MS have to offer when Nintendo just dropped this PR bomb? People will wonder and be curious and want to find out more and understand what is meant by "Wii" rather than what we've come to expect. By this everyone posting is a fan. Your attention is directed towards Nintendo and not Sony or Microsoft. You're posting on a Nintendo thread and not a Sony or Microsoft thread. Look at the sheer amount of replies about a single, solitary name. Whether you dislike the name or not you are a follower and thus a fan. A negative fan at the moment but every single one of you are a fan for the single reason that Nintendo has now captured your attention. Now that they have your attention they're going to attempt to sway it from the name and hook you by displaying the system's capabilities at E3.
Joined 8 Mar 2005
Mon, 1 May 2006 01:06
Bah, I'll take the flak from my friends for owning a Wii. I can already here the little children bashing the console. I could care less what it's called, but I'm thinking its not really an appealing name. Wii doesn't really have an English meaning, and considering a great chunk of the gaming community speaks english, it may be a good idea to incorporate that. Any publicity is good for Ninty, but...

Gotta be one of the fist single syllable console names...
Joined 1 May 2006
Mon, 1 May 2006 05:10
You know, it's funny, all this "dumb name" stuff (it is a very dumb name imo); but all the jokes about it are even funnier.

Note: both instances of "funny" == "stupid"

I don't know about you guys, but ever since the NES, I've called any Nintendo box I'm referring to as "Nintendo."

I didn't say "Hey, want to play Killer Instinct Gold on Nintendo 64" or "Do you like Metroid Prime for Nintendo Gamecube" -- I simply said "Do you like metroid prime on Nintendo." In most cases, based on context, they would know whether I'm talking about the current version or the original. If they were too stupid, of course I would elaborate. But come on.

If I say "I used to love Nintendo's Diddy Kong Racing," what the hell system do you think I'm talking about? Yeah...

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