Famitsu Boss Pegs PS3 As Clear Next Gen Winner

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Topic started: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 12:50
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vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Tue, 17 Oct 2006 12:39
soanso wrote:
I'm sure the Wii will peak in the short term but then everybody thought the DS would do the same

The DS is a much different type of system. Handhelds are held afloat by kids who get what they want. No kids = no sales. I think there's a larger older user base for home consoles and they want better graphics not innovation. Just a casual observation.
Joined 18 Oct 2004
Tue, 17 Oct 2006 13:58
Being a 27 yr old, with 19 nieces and nephews (hey, i'm the youngest of 7 children, sue me) between age 0 and 17, i can tell you i know as many adults owning a DS (Lite) as i know children owning one. By the looks of sales in Japan (Brain training etc)... that trend might not just stop at my front door.

Adults i know with a DS: 7

Kids i know with a DS: 7
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Tue, 17 Oct 2006 14:58
Correction Vault, hand held before the DS were held aloft by sales from kids and adults. You shouldn't assume that Nintendo are new to selling this stuff that only kids by them. This is so far from the truth.

I still own my original GB, which I purchased age 13 and I've had GBA and then DS. What your post should say is that kids game keep a hand held alive when its near its demise, this is very true, just look at the GBA charts for proof of it.

I feel this won't happen to the DS mind, it's penetration to kids and adults, gamers and non gamers has been strong enough to keep sweet games coming for ages, plenty of weird japanese ones too. When the DS is near its death I feel Nintendo will still support all DS software on the next system, because they'd want to keep those adult non gamers coming back for more.

In respect to the Wii the games won't peak, you'll get normal games with a Wii touch and the dedicated Wii games, add the online options and WVC and there's plenty of content to keep people busy. The online element of consoles now give gamers a reason to stay in contact and online with friends and such.

I have to say it would be great if all three sold well. Still most likely be a PS3/Wii race in japan.
Joined 18 May 2006
Tue, 17 Oct 2006 19:41
He suggests the PS3 will catch up and surpass in the long term. But I don't see how. A powerful consol will always pull alot of people in but only if you have games to make use of it.

If PS3 has the a significantly lower install base a year from now then the other two whos gonna continue to make games for it?

Now GameCube had a low base but it was Nintendo's consol. It at least always had Nintendo to make games for it and they had big IP's and make great games (Not everyone may like them but as a mority would agree I think). Sony doesn't have Zelda, Metroid, and Mario. Sony doesn't make any games them selfs at least nothing I can recall.

I'm not gonna say that PS3 will be entirely abandend but in a years time I see 90% of the relatively few PS3 games being released on 360 as well. So where is the momentum going to be to propell them to the lead?

I see the future as Wii 40% 360 40% PS3 20%.
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Tue, 17 Oct 2006 23:36
Johnhl wrote:
Sony doesn't have Zelda, Metroid, and
Mario. Sony doesn't make any games them selfs at least nothing I can recall.

God of War, Wipeout, Twisted Metal, Ratchet and Clank, Ico, Shadow of Colossus, Gran Turismo, Crash Bandicoot, just to name a few.

Also, Sony's got a huge brand loyalty. Fans are rabid. They have a huge Japanese pull. That also means that only certain games types will come out on the Wii and PS3.

That's all I'm saying.
Joined 17 Jul 2006
Wed, 18 Oct 2006 01:47
ICO and SoTC rock my socks
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