In reply to you King, I know I'm a good poster but this isn't about that. By the way, it is interesting that you cherry pick from my post while missing other points made but you haven't touch upon. This does you a disservice.
What you posted on your last post was a statement by the BBFC. Frankly that isn't good enough evidence when concerning this kind of thing. How the hell can they know what it offers to the player, only the player would know and communicate that? That statement makes me ask more questions. If they can present something solid to back their decision up then fine, ban it. I bet you believed the WMD thing too didn't you? Always ask questions to those in authority, King.
I wouldn't buy a game like what you suggest because 1: no one would have the guile and money to make it, 2: I wouldn't be interested it and 3: that's a crap and unsavoury subject (that's a crap comparison too). Perhaps something of a similar vein to manhunt might be better, you decide and choose.
Manhunt on the other hand I was gonna purchase, because what I'd read about it online and in mags like Edge had me interested. Sure, I'll import it, but the fact of the matter is I shouldn't have to.
Open your eyes my friend and listen and look at the media coverage of this whole thing, Could you say that it's fair coverage or biased towards games once again? Could you fairly say that Saw 1-3 and Hostel deserve to be on DVD rental and purchase, but Manhunt doesn't? Answer these questions and (and those above) get back to me. I'd like to know if they played the game fully (start to end) or not. To you it sounds like I'm asking too much for more information or something.
The thing I have a problem with, the storyline to this Manhunt game sounds more "reasonable" than the original Manhunt.
Manhunt 1: You're a comdemned prisoner (so you're already a killer) who has been secreted out of prison, on behalf of a cabal of wealthy voyuers, and dumped in a derelict city. Alongside you are other comdemned prisoners and you're facing numerous bloodthirsty gangs and corrupt police; your goal is to escape the city/last man standing, all the while being observed by the members of the cabal.
Manhunt 2: You're a research scientist who has been investigating behaviour modification, when you and your colleague discovered it was being used by "The Project" to create killers, you attempted to reveal your research to the press. Six years later, you "wake up" from a drug induced fugue to discover you're being held in an asylum which is a front for the Project, barely able to remember your own name. The place is wrecked after some of the experimental subjects rioted, your colleague is beside you and you realise you both have to escape. In your way are the psychotic, psychopathic, murderous subjects; on your tail are a gang of mercenaries who have one mission, to stop you any way that they can.
Now, I don't know about you, but from a moral standpoint, you have a greater justification for your actions in Manhunt 2 than you do in Manhunt; what does everyone else think?
In reply to you King, I know I'm a good poster but this isn't about that. By the way, it is interesting that you cherry pick from my post while missing other points made but you haven't touch upon. This does you a disservice.
I was in a rush to get home from work and I only pick out the bits I didn't agree with.
Joji wrote:
What you posted on your last post was a statement by the BBFC. Frankly that isn't good enough evidence when concerning this kind of thing. How the hell can they know what it offers to the player, only the player would know and communicate that? That statement makes me ask more questions. If they can present something solid to back their decision up then fine, ban it. I bet you believed the WMD thing too didn't you? Always ask questions to those in authority, King.
Thanks for the back handed insults. But instead of asking questions all the time why don't you look up some information?
Like the Super Furry's said: We are not here to tell you what to think
Joji wrote:
I wouldn't buy a game like what you suggest because 1: no one would have the guile and money to make it, 2: I wouldn't be interested it and 3: that's a crap and unsavoury subject (that's a crap comparison too). Perhaps something of a similar vein to manhunt might be better, you decide and choose.
I never asked if you'd buy it, I asked if you thought I would be OK to sell such a game to the public. I was trying to stress the point that some things are not acceptable for public sale and the BBFC job was a necessary evil. Maybe I didn't get my point across very well and it wasn't supposed to be a comparison it was an analogy.
Joji wrote:
Open your eyes my friend and listen and look at the media coverage of this whole thing, Could you say that it's fair coverage or biased towards games once again? Could you fairly say that Saw 1-3 and Hostel deserve to be on DVD rental and purchase, but Manhunt doesn't? Answer these questions and (and those above) get back to me. I'd like to know if they played the game fully (start to end) or not. To you it sounds like I'm asking too much for more information or something.
I never once in my post said I agreed with the decision. I just disagreed with your sentiment and the whole I'm and adult I should be able to watch whatever I like attitude.
And no haven't seen any other coverage cos I've been in work. I've only seen a few coments by Vaz and some other people and they where bound to twist the situation to their own ends, its just the way of the world.
Yeah Yen, and that's why I wanted to play it. But to the BBFC statement it sounds like they think this storyline doesn't matter much (just wallpaper and its the same game), when in truth to the gamer, it's why they are playing and what keeps them playing, to see if they can get out of false imprisonment alive.
Under an 18 banner, what you do to get out of that prison is all in the context of telling a psychological horror adult story. That's such a shame because such light focus wouldn't be done to a film in comparison (even though horror films are pretty strong these days). I don't think this is fair.
Yes Mr King, a better comparison would be Scarface and The Godfather (especially on Wii) to use in Rockstar's defence. How is it that these get released and Manhunt 2 doesn't? This is clearly a case of bad biased double standards. Are they not just as if not more violent?
I hope Rockstar will make an appeal to the courts to put right this terrible misjudging by the BBFC. The BBFC needs to consider what it's purpose is in preventing this game from being released-it is an entertainment product for adults, protected by laws that prevent it from being sold to minors. In this country where a youth of 16 can buy a knife, an offensive weapon, I consider it farcical that adults, who should have freedom of choice, should not be allowed to buy a computer game while we let kids buy knifes. Perhaps we've got our priorities mixed up here?
As I say, I hope Rockstar will appeal this ruling. I mean, we must question, since when did the BBFC become the British Board of Fascism and Censorship?
I find the backlash against the BBFC interesting. If you look at censorship laws in the UK we have one of the most tolerant board of sensors in the world. In fact I have seen some of the films that have been cut in the past few years, pre and post censorship and agree with most of their decisions. They normally only cut scenes of gratuitous sexual violence. As we all become desensitised to violence to a greater and greater extend where will it end. What was extreme yesterday, becomes mainstream today. We need to draw a line somewhere.
What you posted on your last post was a statement by the BBFC. Frankly that isn't good enough evidence when concerning this kind of thing. How the hell can they know what it offers to the player, only the player would know and communicate that? That statement makes me ask more questions. If they can present something solid to back their decision up then fine, ban it. I bet you believed the WMD thing too didn't you? Always ask questions to those in authority, King.
I wouldn't buy a game like what you suggest because 1: no one would have the guile and money to make it, 2: I wouldn't be interested it and 3: that's a crap and unsavoury subject (that's a crap comparison too). Perhaps something of a similar vein to manhunt might be better, you decide and choose.
Manhunt on the other hand I was gonna purchase, because what I'd read about it online and in mags like Edge had me interested. Sure, I'll import it, but the fact of the matter is I shouldn't have to.
Open your eyes my friend and listen and look at the media coverage of this whole thing, Could you say that it's fair coverage or biased towards games once again? Could you fairly say that Saw 1-3 and Hostel deserve to be on DVD rental and purchase, but Manhunt doesn't? Answer these questions and (and those above) get back to me. I'd like to know if they played the game fully (start to end) or not. To you it sounds like I'm asking too much for more information or something.