Really, if Halo was launched in it's original state only on PC, nobody would have bothered with the game like now and it would have been looked at as a solid 7/10 game that needed more polish and less repetitive leveldesign.
But because the game was the only good game for a new console and used a new control method that by that time looked like a viable alternative for the mouse-keyboard combo (biggest joke ever in my eyes)...tadaa! it gets mentioned in the same phrases as Mario, Half-Life and other benchmark setting names.
And Lupos, well...i blame it on your yankiness really. Shooter-game starring a sci-fi GI Joe and you can drive jeeps in it...yankee-food in gaming form right there :p.
As far as the FPS genre goes, a huge component has always been graphics. Look at all the classics through time - Doom, Halflife, Farcry etc. each not only attempted to regig/revolutionise the genre via some new gameplay aspect (Doom with 360 look, HL with story and later physics) but also pushed the envelope through better AI & always graphics.
Now while Metroid Prime 3 on Wii might be revolutionising the way the game is controlled (and I'm being generous there - every attempt I've experienced of the Wiimote controlling FPSs has been flatout bad) there is no way it'll even be graphically on par with Riddick on Xbox1. AI wise, well the Wii simply doesn't have the power to calculate the complex processes we take for granted in FPSs these days and well you'll have to forget about physics too.
So better than Halo3? If you insist on classifying them as the same caliber of game, then not a chance. Halo 3 will be pushing the envelope graphically (HD), incorporating better AI than we've ever experienced & undoubtedly have a surprise or two worth of innovation to boot (4 player coop over live anyone?).
Will MP3 be a good game? I certainly hope so for all the Wii fans out there - you're due. Better than Halo3? Laughable & delightfully controversial, sure to get a large number of posts which will be good for biz, right SPOnG?
Good thing graphics never matter, AI's seem to get stupider and more predictable with time and Metroid Prime 3 isn't a FPS, It's sci-fi Zelda in first-person and with some shooting. All you just said has become irrelevant.
"Good thing graphics never matter" Yer that what people with ugly girlfriends say.
For me the Wii mote just doesnt work on games that require any real accuracy all the FPS games so far on the Wii have been a shambles. But lets at least wait till the games are out before we give them a kick in.
For me the Wii mote just doesnt work on games that require any real accuracy all the FPS games so far on the Wii have been a shambles.
All those games look like they've spent 15 minutes working on tagging on token wii control bits. Ok Red Steel was made for Wii but it never looked like they got it right. Some of them looked shocking. Far Cry anyone? Maybe spending the extra time that they have on Metroid might pay off
Can't judge these games til they are out. Metroid will benefit from the Wii controls. I don't agree about FPS Wii controls bit, as you'd have to play them all to get a good idea of that, and how many of us have done that? Agreed Far Cry was a rushed pile stuff, Red Steel could have done with more work, Goldeneye, Half Life all added to the FPS pool to help grow it. I can't say Halo has done that much like them.
Wii has other controllers for these games if you aren't happy with the normal Wii controls.
Halo as a series tells an okay story based game, I'll be glad when its over though. I just feel Bungie need to give the series a break and do something else.
but surely, even acknowledging its bright ideas, revolutionary is a tad strong when talking about halo? halo may have contributed to making other fps games since better through whatever improvements or standards it may have introduced, but halo always felt like a step rather than a leap in copmparison to the half lifes, dooms and goldeneyes. revolutionary is pretty much as strong a word as you can get when it comes to talking about videogame ideas, just seems to me halo isnt exactly in the far deep end of the genre-changing-idea pool and subsequently not worthy of the word revolutionary.
Ok, half life told a good story, which was a big change. Doom... was wolfenstein with better graphics and more "oooo cooool". Golden Eye was a very fun and awesome game but I feel like it gets a bit more rose colored glasses treatment than it deserves. Compared to other FPS's on the PC at the time... half life?... it really wasnt anythign that special. What it was, was an amazing CONSOLE fps that finaly gave your average gamer the chance to experience the magic of deathmatch. It left a lof of good memories for a lot fo peopel, myself included, but plenty more peopel where already playign quake and unreal and even doom and laughing at us kids. Now the same people who ate up GE with a spoon are mocking Halo supporters cause "oh if it where on pc it would just be some ho hum average shooter!".
it's like this, Halo did dual analog really well. Many games following halo and even before it (dual shock on ps1?) did it horribly. Bungie Nailed that. They also introduced a level of strategy into run and gun gaming by giving such a wide variety of weapins while limiting the number you could carry. While epic was coming up with innovations like "STEARING A NUCLEAR F*&$ING MISSILE INTO YOUR ENEMIES @$$ HOLE!!!!!11", Halo did things that added a lot of depth to the game play. The same goes for the vehicles. I dunno how many times I had to hear people gushing about being able to awkwardly run around liberty city and then repetitively steal a car and the awkwardly drive around liberty city over the same 5 generic looking pedestrians over and over. Innovative! The GTA games did, and for the large part still do, play like s**t. As far as control crackdown is worlds better but even its lock on is kind of retarded a lot of the time. Halo vehicle controls where very different but they made sense and played very well.
OptimusP wrote:
And Lupos, well...i blame it on your yankiness really. Shooter-game starring a sci-fi GI Joe and you can drive jeeps in it...yankee-food in gaming form right there :p.
So that's what u Euros love Zelda so much then? Buncha tights wearing forest prancers! ;) _______