Mark Rein: Why Is Unreal Tournament 3 Slower on PlayStation 3?

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Topic started: Wed, 5 Dec 2007 18:46
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Thu, 6 Dec 2007 15:55
Tim Smith wrote:
vinthedean wrote:
News was released about UT3 will be out next week before you posted your article. Please update that line.

Hi, if you are referring to Rein's guess (reported here) regarding December 10th or 11th store date, he was talking about the US. No mention of Europe was made.

If there's anything else - and I've missed it - please feel free to email me at



I think you are quite the silly person and your queer regime torn down and abolished. If at best we can discover a way to agree then so be it. I suggest trial by fire.
Sun, 23 Dec 2007 04:34
Let me just say "Red Ring of Death". Enough said huh? How's Vista and Zune working for ya? Is your Microsoft steering wheel on fire yet. Let's all face it, Microsoft makes junky products. Always have, always will. They have been doing it since their first OS, so don't try and convince me of the superiority of the 360, it's a piece of garbage and almost everyone I know that has one has had it replaced about 3 times already because of it's over heating issue. For every 6000 xbox 360's that break, one PS3 breaks. Enough said.

As for game comparison, currently most games are ported for both systems, so comparison is really useless, what you need to look at is game exclusives to find the differences. Check out Uncharted Drakse fortune or Warhawk to see some nice PS3 games. There is a major difference when a game is exclusively built for a PS3, I can't convince you in this forum, you'll need to go to a Best Buy or a Game Stop and ask the sales rep to demonstrate Uncharted Drakes Fortune to see some of the powers of the PS3. Also there is a Firmware update coming out to turn on a few more of the cell processors in the PS3 making it 30% faster than it is now.

SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
Mark Rein firstly is a two face idiot.

Of course he isn't going to slag off the PS3 version I mean who in their right mind would do that especially when making a game for the PS3??

What amuses me is if this had been the 360 version (released first and compared against the PC version) all Sony fans would be laughing their asses off and saying how the PS3 version will be better when released.
Hell they are doing it now even after Mark Rein trying to justify the reasons which again are stupid! I mean whats that bit about using your whole arm???? I use my hands when playing on the keyboard & mouse and the control pad.

Also I dont need mods I can just as well enjoy any game without having mods I am interested in just playing the damn game, I say leave mods on the PC.

Lastly most of those games listed for the PS3 are unheard of like you and all other PS3 fans they just do a google and copy and paste.

Xbox 360 has a killer line up in the first quarter alone next year with Ninja Gaiden 2, Fable 2, Too Human, Lost Odessy.

Where are all those lovely RPG's Sony used to have? Even though Sony might have a better selection of games next year sorry but the 360 has established itself as the true THIS GEN gaming system.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Sun, 23 Dec 2007 14:56
lies from someone who sees the world through fanboy-tinted shades...not that SS4 is less...
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Mon, 24 Dec 2007 21:02
espostal wrote:
Also there is a Firmware update coming out to turn on a few more of the cell processors in the PS3 making it 30% faster than it is now.

I don't know what you have been smoking, or what the person who told you this was smoking, but it's not true at all.

Firstly, there only one Cell processor in each PS3.

Secondly there is only one SPE that can be "turned on" and it's "turned off" in order to raise the yeild of Cell processors for the PS3. If you ignore one of the eight SPEs on the Cell, you will always hav seven, but you can allow through processors where wafer damage affects only one SPE, so that SPE has a fault in it and can't be "turned on". This means that if a firmware update turned on the disables SPE many PS3s would have errors because the newly enabled SPE was broken.

Thirdly, even in the dormant SPE was turned on, it wouldn't cause an increase in performance of 30%, more like 12% or so, maybe less.

You seem to be getting confused with the recent PSP firmware update that allowed developers to open up the CPU to 333MHz instead of the more normal 222MHz, an increase of 33% of the higher speed.

In any case you are wrong or have been wrongly informed.
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