Gun.Smoke - NES

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Also for: C64, Spectrum 48K, Amstrad CPC
Viewed: 2D Top-down, Multi-way scrolling Genre:
Shoot 'Em Up
Arcade origin:No
Publishers: Capcom (GB/US/JP)
Released: Unknown (GB/US/JP)


GUN.SMOKE by Capcom takes you back to the days of the Gold Rush, to a small, bustling mining town of the Old West. Ruthless gold-stealing bandits are terrorising the townsfolk and it's Up to you,to stop them!

The thieves are notorious killers, and when they challenge you to a draw, they're playing for keeps! Altough,your gunslinging prowess is legendary, this may be the toughest High Noon you'll ever face. But you've got to stahd your ground - this town ain't big enough for both you and them!