Creatures Playground - PC

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Creatures Playground (PC)
Viewed: 2D Side-on, Scrolling Genre:
Media: CD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Creature Labs Soft. Co.: Creature Labs
Publishers: Encore (US)
Havas (GB)
Released: 3 Nov 2000 (GB)
Unknown (US)
Ratings: 3+


Home computers originally began as a product that would only interest some of the wealthier people across the globe. As prices continue to drop, and computers were realised to be mainstream products and the business standards of the future. Because of this, educational methods within schools had to be altered. Information Technology lessons are now as common English and Mathematics in primary school practices. Cultures Playground is another interactive application/game that helps children become accustomed to the new technologies that await them.

Creatures is designed to be a fun experience, purely for the benefit of the child, since keeping a child’s attention can be quite a task, as many parents out there will have learned. Bright colours, plenty of detail, and a high level of interactivity has been employed throughout the game’s life span. The basic idea of the game is to take care of a number of little creatures, cleverly called Creatures. The simplicity of the game means that when a child comes across difficult parts of the experience, the parent will be able to assist them easily. All in all, Creatures Playground makes an ideal learning experience for the child of any parent.