Merlin - Game Boy Color

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Merlin (Game Boy Color)
Viewed: 2D Side-on, Scrolling Genre:
Arcade origin:No
Developer: LSP Soft. Co.: Electronic Arts
Publishers: Electronic Arts (GB)
Released: 2 Feb 2001 (GB)
Ratings: 3+


As a games developer and publisher, Electronic Arts aren’t best known for their achievements in the platform genre, and even less so for their productions on the Game Boy. So it' a bit of a surprise to see Merlin emerge from their R&D department; a 2D platformer on Game Boy Color. Nevertheless, this type of game has been successful for a long time. So how does Merlin compare to the rest of them?

Every 1,000 years or so, an evil dragon reigns terror over a magical kingdom, and it’s up to the most powerful wizard in the world, Merlin, to rid his people of this monster once and for all. Your journey will take you across five uniquely themed realms, all of which offer a different challenge. Some levels will see you travelling monster-ridden forests, while others will have you traversing the skies while avoiding all kinds of projectiles. Your attack power along the way consists of airborne fireballs that differ in force depending on the power ups you collect along the way. Each variation has differing strengths and weaknesses. Some may be of a small size but have a drastic impact, and others have multiple but weaker effects.

As far as the Game Boy Color is concerned, Merlin has an unusually wide range of colours that make it pleasant to look at and appealing to a young audience. The storyline is simple, as are the controls, and as such, it reaches its target audience with relative ease.