Amerzone - PlayStation

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Amerzone (PlayStation)
Also for: PC
Viewed: 2.5D First-person Genre:
Adventure: Role Playing
Adventure: Point and Click
Arcade origin:No
Developer: Microids Soft. Co.: Microids
Publishers: Microids (GB)
Released: 1999 (GB)
Ratings: 3+
Accessories: Analogue JoyPad, Memory Card, Mouse


The point-and-click genre has been regarded by many as a type of game that is primarily PC-based. Up until recently this was the case, but as the industry becomes more and more versatile, cross-pollination of game genres and platforms is becoming more widespread. Amerzone, a game that has almost gone unheard of among the platform’s 1000+ games, incorporates the point-and-click genre into its adventure quite carefully.

After an animated video sequence, introducing the dark and eerie plot of the game, you find yourself on a bike on a path that leads to a sinister-looking light house. Although Amerzone consists of pre rendered images, they have been wrapped around the player to give the impression of 360 degree vision and it does so quite well. Lens distortion is also a well-implemented feature. Because of memory limitations the game spans across 2 discs, although this does mean you will find yourself visiting hundreds of locations and meeting plenty of characters. In terms of gameplay, you will soon get the feeling that you're in a scene from a Sherlock Holmes adventure, since you will spend most of your playing time looking for clues as to your next lead. Amerzone is a game that requires great concentration and has puzzles that would challenge the most competent gamer.

As a complete game Amerzone is deceptively simple to begin with, but soon becomes extremely complex. This one’s a thinker.

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