Saint Seiya is a popular Anime series based on the manga by Masami Kurumada. Set in Japan in the mid eighties, it follows the story of five orphans who are adopted by Mitsumasa Kido, the philanthropic owner of a foundation for orphaned children. They are sent to different parts of the world to train and obtain bronze cloths that enable them to take on special powers and become Bronze Saints. On their return, they are to compete in a Tournament and win a golden cloth. However it is stolen and the five embark on a series of adventures which feature Greek and Norse pagan gods of myth. Many battles see them fighting saints of various metallic colours.
A Saint Seiya (often know in America as Knights of the Zodiac) game last appeared on the NES in the eighties. A new game from Bandai and Atari brings the world of Saint Seiya to the PS2. The game is set during the first adventure of our five heroes, as they get involved in the battle for the gold cloth between the Knights of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, and Ares, God of War. Naturally for such a martial arts-inspired franchise, the game takes the form of a fighting game, and offers many delights for Seiya fans, with each character boasting his or her own Big Bang special attack, and many memorable moments from the show recreated in CG and with crisp, re-recorded sound. Similar in style to the Dragonball Budokai games, Saint Seiya: Chapter Sanctuary has much to offer even those who have never heard of the series, with a compelling Storymode and two players battle modes.