Lost Planet: Extreme Condition - Xbox 360

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Also for: PC, PS3
Viewed: 3D Third-person, over the shoulder Genre:
Shoot 'Em Up
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Capcom Soft. Co.: Capcom
Publishers: Capcom (GB/GB)
Released: 12 Jan 2007 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 16+
Accessories: Hard Disk Drive
Connectivity: Live Online Enabled


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Ugly monsters! Giant robots! Charming tin hats! Hooargh!

Capcom’s Lost Planet: Extreme Condition is the first big release of 2007. If you were wondering, the ‘extreme’ part of the title refers to the very, very cold environment in which the game is set. Quite apt for a January release, really. Set in the brutal frozen tundra of a hostile planet, the game pits players against giant, ugly indigenous creatures and invading nasties.

You take on the role of Wayne Holden, rescued from a veil of ice with only fragments of his memory remaining. What he does remember is the slaying of his father at the hands of the monstrous beings. With only the Snow Pirates, the native Akrid, and the mysterious NEVEC corporation left on the planet, you must work out who to trust and battle for survival.

Working on foot and with your VS (Vital Suit, or giant mechanical armour-type-thing if you prefer) you must navigate the world hunting for answers. In addition to fighting the assorted giant monsters and other nastiness, players must also battle the cold. By killing the Akrid, players can extract minerals from their bodies in order to stay alive.

Lost Planet producer Keiji Inafune has claimed the game is his answer to Halo. Big words indeed, but with the development team behind Onimusha and Devil May Cry working on the game, Lost Planet might just prove a winner for Capcom. Lost Planet attracted a lot of heat ahead of its release, with the demo having hit the 1million download mark.

Players will also get the opportunity to chill out online with a multiplayer mode that will allow up to 16 players to duke it out. There are four modes to choose from: Elimination (a deathmatch); Team Elimination (you guessed it - a deathmatch in teams); Post Grab (grab as many posts as possible); and Fugitive Hunt (which pits one player against the others).

All very chilling stuff.