Wario Land: The Shake Dimension - Wii

Also known as: Wario Land Shake', 'Wario Land: Shake It!

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Wario Land: The Shake Dimension (Wii)
Viewed: 2D Side-on, Scrolling Genre:
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Nintendo Soft. Co.: Nintendo
Publishers: Nintendo (GB/JP/US)
Released: Sept 2008 (US)
26 Sept 2008 (GB)
Jul 2008 (JP)
Ratings: PEGI 7+
No Accessories: No Accessories


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Occasionally, bad guys do good things. Like Darth Vader, or that one time that Riddick saved the universe. In Wario's case, however, he doesn't help out because of some underlying goodness or love for a long-lost son or whatever. He's all about the money, all about the bling.

He's suitably intrigued when Captain Maple Syrup, his one-time nemesis, comes to him saying that the Shake King has taken over the Shake Dimension. It turns out that, by venturing into the Shake Dimension, freeing the imprisoned Merfles, beating five bosses, rescuing Queen Merelda and by making everything lovely in the Shake Dimension again, he can get his mitts on the Bottomless Coin Sack. That's not a sack you can never find your cash in, that's a sack with an endless supply of coin, son. Wario's not worried about the effect such a thing would have on the economy with the insane inflation it would cause, you see.

The game is a wholesome, honest-to-goodness 2D platformer. Forget fancy pants polygons: what you get is a diverse set of lovingly-rendered stages with a distinct hand-drawn style. Forget sand-box game-play: you get linear levels with a great range of gameplay mechanics. In short, plain old platforming fun with a bunch of frantic Wii Remote waving thrown in for good measure.