Rival Swords finds our hero returning home to Babylon bearing "unspeakable scars from the Island of Time" and with Kaileena, the rather mysterious Empress of Time in tow. Rather than the enjoyable homecoming he's hoping for, however, he finds his kingdom ravaged by war and Kaileena the target of a sinister plot. Imagine coming home to find the dog's chewed your trainers and your girlfriend's monopolised the telly with Sex in the City repeats. Only worse.
Basically, Rival Swords is a port of an expansion on the rather excellent Two Thrones. Expect to see all the content of the PS2 release and then some. Of particular note are three additional Chariot Race levels accessible from the main menu and the new multiplayer race mode. This pits you against one of your mates in a sprint across the city of Babylon with the opportunity to really mess with them by activating obstacles and traps in their path using triggers in yours.
In a different - but no less action-packed - vein, is Shaun White Snowboarding:
The game is spread across four huge (seriously, huge) mountains, with literally miles of terrain to get to grips with. Taking a leaf out of skate's book, the controls for riding and tricks are largely centred around the analog sticks, providing a more lifelike experience than the likes of the SSX series. The entirety of the terrain and tricks will be open to you from the start – you just need to be good enough to pull them off.
As you cruise around the hill, you'll encounter different challenges to get stuck into, ranging from Precision Riding (slalom) to Air Time, which counts the number of seconds you spend up in the air during your run.
For the rider who likes to pour over gear, there's tonnes of customisation available (with a startling amount of Burton gear!).