Cinemaware Anthology: 1986-1991 - PC

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Viewed: 2D Combination Genre:
Media: CD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Cinemaware Soft. Co.: Cinemaware
Publishers: Kalypso (GB)
Released: 13 Mar 2015 (GB)


Cinemaware Anthology: 1986-1991 is a fascinating collection of 13 of the most highly regarded and successful classic games from legendary game developer Cinemaware.

Relive that awesome ‘golden-era of videogames’ feeling: rescue a princess in medieval England, become the boss of Chicago's Mafia, wipe out terrorizing killer-ants or fight against enemy invaders with your jetpack and raygun in the 1940s!

Choose to play the original Amiga version or the PC-MSDOS version (where available). All games will run on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Mac OS.

Cinemaware Anthology: 1986-1991 also contains special bonus content. Every game will come with its original manual (in digital format) and its complete soundtrack in mp3 format.

This is the definitive Cinemaware collection for those looking for a great retro-experience!

The "Cinemaware Anthology: 1986-1991“ includes the following titles:

Defender of the Crown
The King of Chicago
Sindbad and the Throne of the Falcon
Lords of the Rising Sun *
Rocket Ranger (German Edition)
It Came From the Desert
It Came From the Desert II: Antheads *
Wings! *
TV Sports: FootballTV Sports: Basketball
TV Sports: Baseball
TV Sports: Boxing
The Three Stooges
* Amiga only