Blacksite: Area 51 - PS3

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Blacksite: Area 51 (PS3)
Also for: PC, Xbox 360
Viewed: 3D Third-person, over the shoulder Genre:
Shoot 'Em Up
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Midway Austin Soft. Co.: Midway
Publishers: Midway (GB)
Released: 29 Feb 2008 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 16+
Accessories: Hard Disk Drive
Connectivity: Network Features, Network Players


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We all thought that Area 51, the heart of conspiracy theory, was full of those mildly cute little grey aliens with the big heads. It turns out we were wrong. It's also full to the brim of great big ugly aliens of the distinctly scary kind.

Unfortunately, when things go wrong down at Area 51 and scores of the nasties escape into the surrounding area, someone has to deal with it. That would be you.

As the leader of an elite Special Forces squad, players will head into the desert to face unearthly threats with nothing but their guts, savvy, and some big ol' guns. And some team mates. In fact, as well as engaging in first-person shooting action, players will actively lead their squad. Do it right, and your squad will serve you well. Get it wrong, and morale will sink and you'll find yourself fighting an uphill battle. Not to worry, however, you'll be able to command your squad to perform tasks such as planting C-4 and sniping at enemy guard towers with a unique one button command system.

It comes with the classic range of online modes, including DeathMatch, Team DeathMatch and Capture the Flag. Midway has also thrown in some unique modes for good measure including Human vs. Reborn and Siege mode.


Blacksite: Area 51 - PS3 Wallpaper

Blacksite: Area 51 - PS3 Wallpaper


Blacksite: Area 51 - PS3 Artwork

Blacksite: Area 51 - PS3 Artwork

Blacksite: Area 51 - PS3 Artwork