Myth Makers Trixie in Toyland - Wii

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Myth Makers Trixie in Toyland (Wii)
Also for: PS2
Viewed: 3D Third-person, floating camera Genre:
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: DDI Soft. Co.: DDI
Publishers: DDI (GB)
Released: 14 Mar 2008 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 3+


This is the mythic, magical world of the Myth Makers – and this time our story follows the fearless Trixie as she single-handedly chases down Penumbra – the new tyrant of Toyland.

The Evil Penumbra, Leader of the Acrostic Riders has stolen the Myth Makers Orbs and has hidden them in Toyland. Trixie must explore every inch of Toyland and find the stolen Magical Orbs and return balance to the Myth Realm. But it’s not going to be easy!