Buzz!: Brain of the UK - PSP

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Also for: PS3, PS2
Viewed: 2D Static screen Genre:
Media: Custom optical disc Arcade origin:No
Developer: Curve Studios Soft. Co.: SCEE
Publishers: SCEE (GB/GB)
Released: 6 Apr 2012 (GB)
27 Mar 2009 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 12+
Accessories: Wireless Compatible
Connectivity: Game Sharing


Brace yourself, United Kingdom – Buzz is back, and he’s looking for the brightest quiz fans in the land. Brush up on your knowledge of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and prepare to be tested on all of the things that make Great Britain, well, great. From television, music and movies to sports, celebrity culture and the heritage and history of the United Kingdom, the answers are all here. The question is, will you be able to recall any of them when you are put on the spot by Buzz?

Any Buzz! aficionado will tell you that playing a solo game doesn't really work with a game like this. Friends and family (or both) are an essential ingredient to fully appreciate the intensity of the gameplay. Even with just two players going at it – Brain of the UK can accommodate up to six players - the sense of competition is near tangible. You might as well be in Buzz’s television studio for real!

So if you think you know which artist made a splash with his swimming pool paintings in the 1960’s, or the origin (or otherwise) of the Piltdown Man, get ready to pit your wits against Buzz – and each other.