Title | Released | Genre | Platforms |
Tomb Raider
-2001 | Adventure Puzzle Shoot 'Em Up |
PC CD N-Gage PlayStation Game Boy Color Saturn |
Micro Machines: Turbo Tournament 96
Also known as Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament |
-1995 | Racing: Car |
Sega Megadrive SNES |
Urban Chaos
-2000 | Adventure Shoot 'Em Up |
PC CD PlayStation Dreamcast |
Resident Evil: Code Veronica
Also known as Bio Hazard: Code Veronica, Resident Evil: Code Veronica X |
-2004 | Adventure: Graphic Puzzle Shoot 'Em Up |
PS2 CD GameCube Dreamcast |
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? 2nd Edition
-2004 | Quiz |
PC CD PS2 CD Power Mac CD GBA PlayStation |
F1 World Grand Prix
-2000 | Racing: Formula One |
PC CD PlayStation Game Boy Color Dreamcast N64 Cartridge |
Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour
-2001 | Racing: Karting Racing |
PC CD PlayStation Game Boy Color Dreamcast |
F1 World Grand Prix 99
-1999 | Racing: Formula One |
PC CD PlayStation |